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About Crocs

Crocs was founded in 2002 with a simple mission: to deliver the most comfortable footwear they could. What started as an outlier in the industry has since become a worldwide phenomenon, with Crocs being sold in over 85 countries and being one of the most successful non-athletic footwear brands in the world. Today, they continue to stick to their original goal, constantly innovating to make your Crocs lighter, softer and more flexible than ever so you can be the most comfortable you’ve ever been.

If the clog fits…

Today, Crocs offers a wide variety of footwear options to ensure that all different types of people can be comfortable when they slip them on. Whether you’re looking for their classic clog or a more modern option, each pair of Crocs is made with the same standards of value, comfort and style. Check out Crocs for adults as well as [Crocs for kids](/en/products/kids/toddler-and-child/footwear/sandals/c/1995?filters%5Bbrand%5D%5B0%5D=crocs& so the whole family can be outfitted for maximum comfort.

Positive ambitions

Since the company’s founding, Crocs has been making strides towards a better tomorrow through a number of initiatives. From their manufacturing practices focusing on a circular economy to an inclusive workforce and the goal to mitigate their carbon emissions, they want everyone to be comfortable – the planet included.