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Stop and refuel

Looking to restock the pantry on your back (commonly referred to as a pack)? You’re in the right place. It's not hard to work up an appetite when you’re out on the trail, so it’s smart to keep some snacks on hand for when you need to do some munching between mealtimes. Look around and take your pick from these wholesome snacks and freeze-dried delights.

Snack up and sustain yourself

We’ve got tasty, filling snacks to sate any campsite craving — from chewy to crunchy, light to hearty, and sweet to savoury. Nuts and dried fruit are a great choice to bring out on the trail to keep you going. If you’re feeling adventurous, pick up a bag or two of Moon Cheese for a burst of cheesy flavour, or some Honey Stinger waffles and Skratch Labs rice cakes for a sweet treat with your morning coffee.

Part of a balanced diet

You’ve got your snack situation figured out, but have you thought about meals? Our guide to backpacking food and meal planning has some helpful tips and tricks so you can plan out your backpacking menu both smartly and safely. All that’s left to do is grab your fork and dig in.