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Water purification tablets

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Not a drop to drink? Think again

For easy, on-the-go water purification for smaller groups, water treatment tablets and drops might be the way to go. Whether they’re your main filtration solution or you’re just packing a few tabs as backup, these little guys are great to have on any shorter overnight trips where drinking water’s in short supply. To learn more about how they work, read on.

Clean water in no time

Water treatment drops and tablets work by taking an amount of free chlorine, chlorine dioxide or iodine and dissolving it in contaminated water. This kills micro-organisms in the water, treating against viruses, bacteria, giardia, cryptosporidium and other harmful microscopic critters. Check out options from Katadyn and Pristine for potable, taste-free water whenever you need it.

Backcountry treatment tips

Water purification drops and tabs can be just one part of your larger water treatment arsenal when you’re in the great outdoors. Our guide to water treatment, filters and purifiers has info on different filtration methods, types of pathogens found in water sources and how to care for your filtration equipment. Take a look through our other hiking and camping tips for some more expert advice for your next camping trip, gear up, and have fun out there.