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Cross country ski boots

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Cross-country ski boots for your winter workout

Cozy layers? Check. Skis? Check. But what about boots? Before heading out for a day of cross-country skiing, make sure you have boots that fit both your feet and your skis. If you’re new to the sport, you might not realize how much of a cardio workout cross-country skiing can be—or how essential properly fitting boots are. You can find the perfect pair of cross-country ski boots at MEC for any style of skiing, all designed by fan-favourite brands like Rossignol, [Salomon](/en/products/ski-and-snowsports/cross-country-skiing-gear/cross-country-boots?brand=Salomon], Fischer and more.


Not all boots are compatible with every type of binding, so it’s important to understand the two main systems: NNN and NNN BC. The NNN system, which stands for New Nordic Norm, is the standard binding type for general cross-country skiing. These bindings feature a single metal bar at the toe that connects to the ski by inserting the boot toe-first. NNN boots are designed to work seamlessly with NNN bindings but are also compatible with alternative styles like Prolink and Turnamic, providing some flexibility in your gear choices. On the other hand, NNN BC boots are specifically designed for backcountry or off-track skiing. These boots have a thicker metal bar at the toe and wider, deeper channels on the sole for better stability and performance in rugged terrain. However, NNN BC boots are not compatible with standard NNN bindings, so it’s essential to ensure you’re pairing the correct boots and bindings for your chosen activity.

Classic cross-country ski boots

True to its name, this technique is a reliable and time-tested approach to cross-country skiing, making it especially suitable for beginners. The method involves a smooth stride-and-glide motion, where you propel yourself forward by alternating each ski, creating a natural and rhythmic movement. It is ideally suited for groomed tracks, where the skis can slide effortlessly along the prepared grooves.

Skate skiing boots

This high-energy style of skiing is intensely aerobic, requiring you to generate momentum by pushing off the edges of your skis. Because it demands more physical effort, skate ski boots are designed to be rigid, snug, and lightweight, providing a secure fit for optimal control and performance. Ankle cuffs add extra stability and enhance power during each push-off, giving you the support needed for this dynamic and fast-paced activity.