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Run in style

Protect your eyes in style with a pair of sunglasses for running. Using eyewear while performing outdoor activities has many benefits and rewards that will enhance your running experience and help you conquer that extra mile.

Sunglasses feature different types of lenses for different uses. The different types of sunglass lenses include:

  • Polarized lenses: help reduce glare by blocking polarized light, for example light reflecting off water.
  • Mirrored lenses: have a reflective coating molded to the outer layer, they help reduce the amount of light entering your eyes during activity. In addition, they also help reduce glare.
  • Gradient lenses: are tinted lenses from top down, going from dark at the top to light at the bottom. These lenses are useful for long intense physical activity.
  • Photochromic lenses: are commonly known as transition lenses. In bright light they darken and then in low light they become clear. These lenses are great for all-day bike tours in the summer.
  • Polycarbonate lenses: are lightweight, and durable that also aid in UV protection. These lenses are great for intense physical activities like kayaking and intense trail running.

Selecting the right pair of sunglasses with the appropriate for your personal style and intended use will not only protect your eyes but also enhance your outdoor activities, allowing you to enjoy every moment under the sun.