The Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (ACMG) is dedicated to protecting the public interest in mountain travel and climbing instruction. As a non-profit professional association, the ACMG trains and certifies guides and instructors in higher risk activities such as climbing, backcountry skiing and hiking. Emulating the best practices of self-regulation, it maintains rigorous standards for backcountry risk management, has public oversight of its governance and holds its members accountable to a code of conduct.
The ACMG and MEC have a rich history of partnership, much of which centres around the Adventure Access program. To support this program, MEC provides funding for schools, clubs and other youth groups to hire ACMG-certified guides and instructors for outdoor adventure trips that may not otherwise be accessible to them because of the cost and potential liability.
MEC has also financially supported ACMG climbing gym instructors and hiking guide scholarships over the last three years. This support has been invaluable for candidates who are often younger to attain their first ACMG certifications.