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Protect Our Winters Canada

The mission of Protect Our Winters (POW) Canada is to turn outdoor enthusiasts into climate advocates. They lead a national community of professional athletes, forward-thinking industry leaders, and outdoor enthusiasts to advocate for systemic policy solutions to climate change.

POW has 13 regional chapters across Canada. These chapters have the tools and training to grow POW’s membership in their communities and organize around regionally relevant climate issues.  

“As a professional athlete that relies on healthy and predictable winters and has a captive audience on social media and beyond, putting my energy behind a movement dedicated to protecting those places and experiences makes sense on so many levels.” – Marie-France Roy, POW Ambassador and Board Member

With a total membership of over 36,000 people (and plans to grow), POW is uniquely positioned to bring fresh voices and new energy to the climate movement. They’ve been able to leverage the deep commitment and desire of their membership during key climate action opportunities which have resulted in significant national policy wins.  

“As a founding partner, MEC has helped Protect Our Winters grow into one of Canada’s fastest growing and most dynamic climate organizations.” – David Erb, POW Canada Executive Director

In 2024, we’re excited to announce the launch of a special collaboration: a limited edition MEC x POW Collection. This initiative merges MEC’s iconic kids snow collection with POW’s commitment to policy solutions to climate change, inspiring the next generation of environmental advocates. Proceeds from this collection go to POW Canada giveback initiatives.

Want to become a climate change advocate? Turn your passion into purpose and join Protect Our Winters Canada today.