If you’re looking at outdoor gear, you’ve probably seen the words DWR (durable water repellency) in many product descriptions. DWR finishes are what help water bead off your jacket or tent, and they require complex chemistry and expertise to apply them correctly to make them effective.
A class of chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances)* are of particular concern to MEC and to many leading outdoor brands. PFAS finishes are widely used and found in everyday items from textiles to food packaging. On fabrics, they help repel water and protect surfaces from picking up dirt or stains; on pizza boxes and fast food wrappers, they prevent oils from soaking through.
PFAS chemicals aren’t found naturally and persist for hundreds of years before they degrade – which is why they are commonly called “forever chemicals”. They can travel via air or water and biomagnify (get more and more concentrated as they accumulate up the food chain), which may be toxic for human or environmental health. This means that PFAS are a class of chemicals that MEC takes seriously.
The challenge we face is that the performance attributes of outdoor gear – robust fabrics that are lightweight, and that protect people in extreme weather conditions – aren’t achievable without complex chemistries. The same chemical nature that makes PFAS environmentally persistent is also why they’re so effective at repelling water and stains. DWR treatments containing PFAS chemistry were preferred in our industry up until recently.
Alternative water repellency chemistries have improved over the years, and continue to improve, and we’re excited to see what the future will hold. Our industry is at a point now where PFAS-free DWR chemistries are able to provide water repellency (as any DWR treatment should), but without the harmful PFAS chemicals.
*You may have heard of PFCs (perfluorochemicals). This is a family of chemicals that includes PFAS.
What MEC Label is doing with DWR
In 2016, we permanently phased out the use of long chain (C8) PFAS DWR chemistry from our product manufacturing and transitioned all products to materials using short-chain PFAS (C6) formulations. While still persistent, these short-chain compounds have lower toxicity and are considered to be a safer alternative.
Today, the goal is to transition all fabrics with DWR from the short-chain PFAS (C6) formulations to formulations that are free from PFAS (C0). Earlier this year, we formalized this work by setting a goal for PFAS-free DWR:
MEC aims to remove PFAS from DWR finishes for MEC Label: all fabrics by 2026 and all materials (including trims) by 2028.
Through our work with bluesign® technologies, we’ve aligned with outdoor brands and textile manufacturers around the world to identify, remove and replace harmful chemicals like PFAS with safer alternatives. Any material that is bluesign-approved in 2025 will be free from PFAS.
We know there is still work to do. We have a responsibility to provide people with uncompromising quality and products that will serve them for many years. We also care about the environmental impact of our products. It’s a delicate balance. And it’s why we continually seek to raise the bar, improve our systems and lighten MEC’s product footprint.
Making your waterproof gear last
If you own a jacket or pants with DWR, you can keep them water repellent by giving them a little TLC. Not only will it continue to keep you dry, it will also extend the life of your jacket to reduce waste and the need for new DWR products in your closet (and save you money too). Some of the new PFAS-free DWR alternatives may need a little extra love to maintain a high level of waterproof performance, so make sure to wash and re-waterproof your gear often.
Learn how to wash and re-waterproof your gear, and how to repair your waterproof-breathable gear.
Top photo: MEC rain jacket by Vancouver Institute of Media Arts.